Lama Palama Medium Lama 30CM

Brand: Happy Distribution


Minimum Order: 3 Units

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Lama Palama is eco-friendly handmade soft toy, room decoration and best friend.
Welcome to the enchanted world of Lamas, who have their personality, profession, stories and dreams they love to share.

Lama is made of natural, undyed linen, alpaca wool and filled with buckwheat husk. Buck wheat husk are hard and flexible and light at the same time. THey inhibit the growth of bacteria and mites. Do not catch moisture, between them free flow of air. Dumped and kneaded produce a gentle, relaxing sound that helps to fall asleep. They are friendly for allergy sufferers.

Each Lama is made by hand with attention to detail and dressed according to timeless fashion trends. Certified by Oeko-Tex Standard 100.


RRP: $150.00

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