Haku Yoka Dot Markers

Brand: Happy Distribution

SKU: YKD233127

Minimum Order: 3 Units

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Haku Yoka Watercolour Painting provides children a magical, mess free way to discover the joys of colour! Fill the water pen provided, gently brush the paper sheets, and colour will appear and spread as if by magic! Try pushing the pen softer or harder to control the colour spread. After painting, children can easily tear off pictures along the pre-punched dotted line, and then keep their masterpieces or give them to friends and family! Includes 20 sheets and one re-useable refillable water pen.

Box Size: 124X18X(195+45)mm (4.9"x0.7"x(7.7+1.8)")
Contains: 20 Colouring Sheets, 3 Refillable Water Pen


RRP: $26.30

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